Insurance is included in the price with a standard damage reduction excess of $6500.00 this can be waived by purchasing excess reduction:
- Car $30.00 per day ($800.00 excess) or $45.00 per day (NIL excess)
- Light Commercial includes Utes, 4x4's
$30.00 per day ($800.00 excess) or $50.00 per day (Nil excess)
- Light Commercial includes iLoads and Sprinters
$30.00 per day ($800.00 excess)
$90.00 per day Supercover ($800.00)
$120.00 per day Maxicover (Nil excess)
- Trucks 3 Tonne
$40.00 per day ($800.00 excess)
$90.00 per day Supercover ($800.00 excess) including overhead, tyre and windscreen
$120.00 per day Maxicover (Nil excess) including overhead, tyre and windscreen
- Trucks 5 to 8 Tonne
$40.00 per day ($2000.00 excess)
$50.00 per day ($1800.00 excess)
$90.00 per day Supercover including overhead, tyre and windscreen ($2000.00)
$120.00 per day Maxi Cover ($1800.00)
- There is a single vehicle excess of $6500.00 which cannot be waived unless supercover or maxi cover is purchased.
When using a tipper (tip truck) There has also been an additional excess applied to the policy in relation to any claims which may occur during the action of tipping – Excess is doubled when tipping mechanism is engaged.
Under 25 years of age there is an excess of $6500.00 which cannot be reduced.
A surcharge applies from 21 years of age to 24 years of age is $30.00 per day for cars, $30.00 light commercials and $40.00 for trucks.
We do not cater for learner drivers or “P”, "P1" or "P2" plate drivers.